Large Fish Twirl Chews from The Pets Larder are a long lasting and healthy treat, made using 100% fish skins. The process of naturally drying the skins and rolling them together ensures that the chews are more durable and retain their nutrients. No additives, preservatives, artificial colours or flavours - perfect! Available in small and large sizes.
Fish is full of Omega oils which have anti-inflammatory benefits,great for joints & mobility.The antioxidants alsoreduce inflammationin joints and provide a much neededstamina boostfor older dogs.
The fatty acids found in fish are perfect forproviding moisture to skin & coats,helping toreduce itchy skinand boost overall coat health, withless sheddingand more shine!
Fish islow in saturated fat, buthigh protein, great for controlling weight.
Rich inOmega 3 & 6, which aren’t naturally found in canine digestive systems – adding these oils to your pooches diet can have amazing benefits, including: aiding inbrain development, helpingfocus, memory and behaviourand even boosting your dog'simmune system!
Not only will pooches love the taste of these wonder-treats, they are alsohighly digestible, reducing the work needed by your dog’s digestive system compared to many protein-rich meats.
We use adrying processrather than cooking which ensures the fish skinsretain their nutritional value. The chews are then rolled together creating alonger-lasting chewwhich will keep your four-legged friend entertained, helping toalleviate anxiety and boredom.
Our Fish Twirl Chews act as a greatnatural toothbrush, exfoliating and cleaning away the plaque and tartar as your dog chews!
With countlessbenefits for both growing pups from 16 weeks and the more senior caninecritics, these fish chews do not discriminate when it comes to age.